Over 20 Years of Faithfulness

For 25 years, Operation Compassion has faithfully served the global community. Operation Compassion has made an impact in the lives of those in crisis around the world. To date, Operation compassion has:

  • Reached around the world, providing assistance in Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Africa.

  • Distributed hundreds of thousands of items a year to those in need.

  • Responded to over 100 major catastrophes including:

    • Hurricane Katrina

    • Hurricane Ida

    • Hurricane Ian

    • Hurricane Helene

    • Hurricane Milton

    • Flooding of the Mississippi River

    • Indonesian Tsunami

    • Southeastern Tornadoes

    • Norman, OK Super Tornado

    • 2010 and 2021 Haiti Earthquakes

    • Multiple African Humanitarian Crises including civil wars and disease outbreaks

    • Rebuilt homes

  • Served an average of 98,000 people internationally per month

  • Provided aid to 73 countries, and 49 states.

  • Shipped an average of 29 shipping containers per month; an average 348 per year.

  • Shipped 15 semi-trailers per month for domestic uses; 180 per year.

    • This is not counting special shipments during a disaster.

Operation Compassion - Moore, OK Super Tornado

Operation Compassion - Haiti