An Open Letter From the President of Operation Compassion
Wow! Who would have predicted or believed the year 2020 would produce the type of results we’ve all experienced. Our first inclination might be to think of all the negative such as, the interruptions, uncertainty and shutdowns as a result of Covid-19, the deep divide in politics and government and even the record setting year with national and international disasters for storms and fires. Who could argue the fact that it has been a year of division, distraction and unrest?
I would be remiss, not to mention the loss of our beloved David Lorency who was founder of Operation Compassion (OC) and served as its President for twenty years. The Home-Going of Dave dictated some decisions that have led me to “learn on the fly” as we have navigated 2020.
On the other hand, it has been a year of blessing for Operation Compassion. We have responded to 29 crises, internationally and those in our own nation. This was a record year for hurricanes and as always, we were able to respond with supplies and resources to people in desperate need. From Hurricane Laura to the devastating storms in Central America, we were there because of you and others who have partnered with OC.
Recently, we fed and shared boxes of food to over 9,500 people in Bradley County, Tennessee due to our relationships with Farmers to Families and Mercy Chefs.
In October we partnered in the rebuilding of a home in East Cleveland, Tennessee that had been completely destroyed by a tornado. The celebration for a family who had no resources and no insurance was so rewarding.
During the spring we partnered in the opening of an unwed mothers home called the Transition House for unwed mothers by providing construction supplies and furnishings.
I think we can agree that in reflection, 2020 has been not only a year of unrest but, also a year of blessing and provision.
With that said, I want to personally thank you for your generosity and faithful encouragement as it relates to your Operation Compassion Family in 2020. Your giving and prayer partnership has been so needed and appreciated. Simply said, without your faithfulness and giving we could not do what Operation Compassion does for local communities and around the world.
Would you please prayerfully consider your partnership with OC as you plan your “2020 year end giving”? Your continued partnership is needed and will be so helpful as we navigate through these uncertain times.